In this Studio 2.8 exclusive video, watch video of a felony criminal act in progress as a man named John Lindsay Bennett attacked a Studio 2.8 Photography photojournalist in broad daylight as the photojournalist was leaving the George Floyd Black Live Matter Racial Justice political protests that were occurring on Seattle's Capitol Hill near the Seattle Police East Precinct on Sunday May 31, 2020.
Approximately two years ago various people around the American Pacific Northwest who are associated with so called “far left” political groups and networks, people who others seem to consider to be communist extremists, began spreading the absolute lie, the absurd, ridiculous, dangerous, lie, that Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist is an “alt-right”, “fascist”, “Nazi”, “white supremacist” and a member of various political groups such communist extremists oppose such as: the “Proud Boys”, “Patriot Prayer”, the “Washington Three Percent”, and so on. These malicious lies about Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist, spread libelously via online social media, and spread slanderously in person at political events, are not only dangerous generally, such lies have proven dangerous to the very people who have spread and who believe such malicious lies about Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist.
The absurd, ridiculous, dangerous, lie, the defamatory libel and slander, that Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist is an “alt-right”, “fascist”, “Nazi”, “white supremacist”, which has been spread via social media and word of mouth for the past two years by a growing network (apparently thousands now) of people who appear associated with so called “far left” political groups, some of whom appear to participate in the criminal anarcho-communist “Black Bloc”, have led to threats of violence published via social media against Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist, social media threats that Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist should be assaulted, battered, robbed, and even death threats against Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist. All of these felonious threats are based on the baseless and absurd lies, defamatory libel and slander, being spread among the Pacific Northwest’s various communist groups, social networks, and terror cells, about Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist.
One of the significant current results of the malicious lies that have been spread about Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist by the just described people is that a man named John Bennett aka John Lindsay Bennett is now being prosecuted by Seattle’s King County Prosecuting Attorneys' office in King County Superior Court for allegedly having committed felony First Degree Attempted Robbery and felony Hate Crime. John Bennett was video recorded by Studio 2.8 as John Bennett allegedly committed felony First Degree Attempted Robbery and felony Hate Crime, as John Bennett allegedly attacked Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist. Studio 2.8 photography has published a video recording of John Bennett’s (John Lindsay Bennett) alleged criminal act on the Studio 2.8 youtube channel.
John Bennett aka John Lindsay Bennett is currently being held in Seattle’s King County Jail on $100,000.00 bail, pending a trial that might be as much as a year in the future, or his guilty plea, if he were to wisely choose to plead guilty before trial. If John Bennett aka John Lindsay Bennett is convicted of, or pleads guilty to, felony First Degree Attempted Robbery and felony Hate Crime, he could be sentenced by a King County Superior Court judge to serve as much as ten (10) years in a Washington State prison. John Bennett aka John Lindsay Bennett could spend ten (10) years in state prison all because John Bennett apparently believed, and acted upon, the defamatory, libelous, slanderous, lies told him about Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist by people associated with Seattle’s far left political social networks, and based on those lies, which John Bennett apparently believed wholeheartedly, used that false belief as the irrational, unlawful, basis to commit felony attempted robbery and felony hate crime assault, battery, and property destruction, against a woman that John Bennett repeatedly called a “Nazi” as Bennett pummeled and tried to rob the professional camera equipment from, a woman who is a veteran of the 1960s civil rights era, who even participated in civil rights actions with the late Martin Luther King, Jr. in the 1960s.
While the various people who have spread their dangerous and defamatory lies about Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist appear to have used online social media and word of mouth have apparently intended to try to intimidate and deter Studio 2.8 photography’s lead and master photojournalist, the actual result of their lengthy, hateful, defamation campaign is that someone who is part of their own social circle, John Bennett, is currently charged with multiple felony crimes, is sitting in the King County jail on $100,000.00 bail, and in all likelihood may have seriously damaged his own future, might lose his job, might lose his housing, and if convicted would spend the rest of his life publicly labeled a convicted of the felony hate crime battery of a woman while in attendance, ironically, at a political protest in opposition to racial hatred. John Bennett's criminal behavior is just one of several examples of European American Pacific Northwest residents, hijacking and besmirching the political concerns of African American people in the Pacific Northwest. Other similar criminal minded European American racial justice protest hijackers include federally convicted felons: Margaret Aislinn Channon (Margaret Channon, arrested June 11, 2020, convicted in federal court of arson upon Seattle Police patrol vehicles, and sentenced to five (5) years in federal prison); Jacob Little (Jacob D. Little, arrested for theft of a Seattle Police on AR15 rifle, convicted in federal court and sentenced to sixteen (16) months in federal prison); and others.
The social media and word of mouth hate campaign of lying defamation and threats against Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist appears to have begun about two years ago. At that time, two years ago, as Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist was producing photographs at a political event, a group of people dressed in “black bloc” disguise noticed Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist, determined that she “wasn’t with them”, and targeted her for attack during that political rally. The result of that disguised Black-Bloc group attack was that the Seattle Police arrested a man whose legal name is Samuel Wheeler-Martenis but who seems to use the name Sam Wheeler in daily discourse. When Samuel Wheeler-Martenis was arrested by the Seattle Police in 2018 during that political event, Sam Wheeler was carrying a concealed Glock brand handgun and various other weapons, all of which the Seattle Police confiscated. It was never made clear if Wheeler-Martenis had a WA concealed pistol license to carry the Glock handgun confiscated from him by the Seattle Police. Within days after Samuel Wheeler-Martenis was arrested by the Seattle Police, various people associated with Seattle’s far-left political social network(s) seem to have become determined to discover the identity of Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist. Once those people discovered the identity of Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist, their social media and word of mouth defamation campaign against her began in earnest, and apparently remains ongoing.
As people who have believed the defamatory lies being told them about Studio 2.8 photography’s lead and managing photojournalist, their actions in response have been almost entirely self-destructive. The egregiously malicious type of defamation that has been spread on social media by various people associated with communist extremist politics in the Pacific Northwest against Studio 2.8 photography’s lead and master photojournalist, is not at all a deterrent to the Studio 2.8 photography team. Among the most important responses that the malicious type of lying defamation that has been spread about Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist has generated has been the assiduous, steadfast, determination, of the Studio 2.8 photography and video team, regarding the importance of the documentary photojournalism produced and published by the Studio 2.8 photography team.
One of the more irrational and ironic aspects of the libelous lies spread about Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist, is that because that photojournalist “has been seen” photographing such political groups as: “Patriot Prayer”, the “Washington Three Percent”, or the “Proud Boys”; is that Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist is therefore a “member” of all these various political groups. The same people who have used such absurd logic do not use the same absurd logic and/or reach the same absurd and nonsensical conclusion when the Studio 2.8 photography staff photographs political groups such as: the “Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club”; the “Revolutionary Communist Party”, the “Party for Socialism and Liberation”, the “Freedom Socialist Party”, or the “Socialist Alternative Party”, or other similar political groups or networks. Given that Studio 2.8 photography staff photographs and publishes photographs of the foregoing groups in action at public political events, the logic such people use to claim that Studio 2.8 photography staff are associated somehow with: “Patriot Prayer”, the “Washington Three Percent”, or the “Proud Boys”; would apply as a basis to claim (albeit equally absurdly) that Studio 2.8 photography is associated with or a member of: the “Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club”; the “Revolutionary Communist Party”, the “Party for Socialism and Liberation”, the “Freedom Socialist Party”, or the “Socialist Alternative Party”, or any other similar political groups or networks. The truth is that neither Studio 2.8 photography, nor any Studio 2.8 photography staff person is associated with any political groups, networks, or factions whatsoever. Among the goals of Studio 2.8 photography’s documentary photojournalism is the detached objectivity that is possible when striving to maintain objective political detachment.
No Studio 2.8 membership in the Party for Socialism and Liberation
No Studio 2.8 membership in the Revolutionary Communist Party
No Studio 2.8 membership in the Freedom Socialist Party
No Studio 2.8 membership in the Socialist Alternative Party
No Studio 2.8 membership in Community and Labor Against Fascism
No Studio 2.8 membership in the Proud Boys
No Studio 2.8 membership in Patriot Prayer
No Studio 2.8 membership in the Washington Three Percent
No Studio 2.8 membership in the Democratic Party
No Studio 2.8 membership in the Republican Party
No Studio 2.8 membership in the Libertarian Party
No Studio 2.8 membership in ANY political groups whatsoever
Among the end results of the various libel and slander being spread about Studio 2.8 photography for people like John Bennett aka John Lindsay Bennett, who is now accused of, and being prosecuted for, multiple alleged felony crimes, including felony hate crime (all captured on high definition video), is that Bennett is currently sitting in a cell inside the King County Jail, likely wondering how he might possibly raise $100,000.00 in bail money (while sitting in a jail cell), and likely wondering just how much damage he has done to himself, to his career, to his job, to his reputation, and to his long term future. The fact is that people such as John Bennett who are, and who have been, spreading their various defamatory lies about Studio 2.8 photography’s lead photojournalist seem most likely to result in self-destructive, self-inflicted, damage to their own lives, more likely than any other possible end result. Meanwhile, the Studio 2.8 photography team will be soldiering on, tirelessly producing documentary photographs and video at Pacific Northwest political events, working with great stamina, adhering to high moral and ethical journalistic standards while publishing such photographs, and licensing such photographs to clients, for the foreseeable future.
In the Studio 2.8 video clip embedded just above, John Bennett aka John Lindsay Bennett aka #BasedStoneFace, was video recorded by Studio 2.8 as John Bennett, a total stranger, approached, tackled to the hard street pavement ground, battered, and attempted to rob, a Studio 2.8 photography photojournalist. As the acts in the Studio 2.8 video embedded just above concluded, officers with the Seattle Police department arrived, arrested and handcuffed John Bennett, loaded Bennett into a Seattle Police jail transport van and shipped him to the King County Jail. John Bennett aka John Lindsay Bennett has been charged by Seattle's King County Prosecuting Attorney's office with felony First Degree Attempted Robbery and racially motivated felony Hate Crime. John Bennett aka John Lindsay Bennett is being held in Seattle's King County Jail on $100,000.00 bail, pending trial or Bennett's guilty plea.
Figure 1. State v. John Lindsay Bennett - Criminal Charge Details
This is a Studio 2.8 Photography editorial, which is a rarity on this website. However, the need for this essential editorial should hopefully be clear, especially to the various misguided people who have published defamatory false claims about Studio 2.8 Photography, and the equally misguided people who have fallen for such lies, who have believed, or worse, criminally acted upon such lies, as one John Lindsay Bennett has, which has resulted in the dire consequence for John Bennett that he currently resides in the King County Jail, held there on $100,000.00 bail, accused of multiple felony crimes.
The Studio 2.8 photography photo gallery above, presents several Studio 2.8 exclusive telephoto lens photographs of the infamous antifa "Black Bloc" anarcho-communist domestic terror cell network participant Nicholas Armstrong, as Armstrong was being arrested on a charge of "Reckless Endangerment" (RCW 9A.36.050 - a gross misdemeanor crime), as Armstrong was being prepared for tran
In this Studio 2.8 photography photo, produced on December 7, 2019 in front of Seattle's Westlake Mall, several Seattle Police officers were in the process of subduing and arresting a violent masked anarcho-communist "black bloc" participant who had been trying to attack a group of people who had marched through the downtown Seattle streets to commemorate Pearl Harbor Day. Pearl Harbor Day commemorates the U.S.
This Studio 2.8 photography photo, was produced on December 7, 2019 at Seattle's McGraw square, during a Pearl Harbor Day commemoration event held by a group of Seattle area Republicans. In this Studio 2.8 photography photo is an anarcho-communist Black Bloc hooligan who wore a purple bandanna disguise along with a black hoodie and a backpack.
In this December 7, 2019 Studio 2.8 photography photo, produced during a political event at Seattle's McGraw Square to commemorate Pearl Harbor Day, among the anarcho-communist counter-protesters was infamous anarchist Nicholas James Armstrong, aka "Nikki" Armstrong, aka "Jaymie Jameson".
Seattle area anarcho-communist terror cell network participant Nicholas Armstrong aka Jaymie Jameson seems to have first appeared within, and joined, the local anarchist network terrorists who call themselves "antifa" sometime in May 2019, after a political controversy arose regarding events called "Drag Queen Story Hour" that were being held at branches of the King County Library system. Since then, Armstrong has been radicalized with anarcho-communist ideology, participating with only anarchist committing violence, assaults, intimidation, libel, and harassment of anyone and everyone the Seattle area anarchists view as their "enemies". When Nicholas Armstrong isn't engaged in anarchist terrorism, Armstrong produces income as a prostitute. Nicholas Armstrong is also a fugitive from justice in Idaho, wanted on two arrest warrants, one misdemeanor arrest warrant and one felony arrest warrant, issued by Ada County, Idaho.
Figure 1. Nicholas Armstrong aka Jaymie Jameson, the subject of a meme on
This Studio 2.8 photography photograph was produced on Saturday December 7, 2019 at McGraw Square in Seattle, WA, during a Pearl Harbor Day commemoration event.
During a political rally held on August 18, 2018 in downtown Seattle, Washington at the Seattle City Hall courtyard, across the street were counter protesters associated with various political groups, including the Marxist Communist "Freedom Socialist Party", and members of the infamous Antifa "Black Bloc". Antifa, and its "Black Bloc" sub-group, are infamous for wearing black masks and disguises at political protests and counter protests. One apparent member of the anarcho-communist Antifa Black Bloc, named Sam Wheeler AKA Samuel Wheeler-Martenis, was present counter protesting at the rally on August 18, 2018. Wheeler was arrested for assaulting and battering a Studio 2.8 photojournalist, but not before the photograph above of Wheeler-Martenis was captured for posterity.
While Sam Wheeler-Martenis, and his similarly masked Black Bloc cohorts, menaced down the sidewalk, and then assaulted a Studio 2.8 photographer on the Seattle 4th Avenue sidewalk, members of the Seattle Police Department observed the entire incident from their perspective within the street. After Wheeler AKA Wheeler-Martenis twice committed assault and battery; on their own accord; several Seattle Police Department officers arrested and handcuffed Wheeler-Martenis. The Seattle Police later jailed Wheeler-Martenis on a criminal assault charge. After members of the Seattle Police Department arrested Wheeler-Martenis, the police officers removed the mask that Wheeler is pictured wearing in the Studio 2.8 photograph above. Arresting members of the Seattle Police Department then also discovered and confiscated a concealed, loaded, small frame, Glock handgun from inside Wheeler's clothing (see video evidence below). After the Seattle Police arrested Sam Wheeler AKA Samuel Wheeler-Martenis, the police transported Wheeler-Martenis to the King County Jail in Seattle where Wheeler was booked for assault and held on $1,000.00 bail. Whether or not Sam Wheeler possesses a WA concealed pistol license, and whether or not Wheeler-Martenis was legally able to possess and carry a concealed handgun on August 18, 2018, has not been revealed by the Seattle Police. The Seattle Police Department has also not disclosed whether or not Sam Wheeler is a person prohibited from owning firearms under federal and/or state firearm statutes.
The video below, created, published, and presented, on youtube by CSC Media, shows Sam Wheeler-Martenis in the act of twice committing assault and battery of a Studio 2.8 photojournalist, in concert with other members of the infamous anarcho-communist Antifa Black Bloc domestic terror group. The video embedded below also shows the Seattle Police arresting and unmasking Sam Wheeler, as well as, removing the Glock handgun Wheeler had concealed under his clothing.
Surely reasonable people must wonder, what leads someone like Sam Wheeler-Martenis to become part of a masked and disguised Marxist/Communist/Socialist/Anarchist domestic terror group such as the Antifa Black Bloc. What do members of the Antifa Black Bloc terror group do by day, when they are not committing criminal mayhem at political protests? In the case of Sam Wheeler AKA Samuel Wheeler-Martenis the answers to such questions aren't entirely clear.
Wheeler-Martenis apparently grew up in the American state of Vermont. Wheeler-Martenis (aka Wheeler) is the son of a late Vermont physician named Thomas Martenis, MD. Sam Wheeler-Martenis later attended various east coast U.S. colleges. Then Wheeler-Martenis embarked on a not too successful career as a professional bicycle racer. It also isn't entirely clear why Wheeler-Martenis began using the last name Wheeler, having discarded his father's family name of Martenis. Upon moving to Seattle, according to public records, Wheeler-Martenis has worked as a bicycle fitter on weekdays for various Seattle area bicycle shops, when not engaged in anarcho-communist black-bloc political protest activities on weekends. It seems ironic that an avowed Black-Bloc "Anarchist" and "anti-capitalist" Marxist, would also possess a Washington State sole proprietorship business license, while at the same time protesting on the weekend against "capitalism" and so on. Whether informative or not, these are the daily life personal attributes and characteristics of this particular member of the infamous domestic terror group known as the Antifa "Black Bloc".