
Seattle, Liberty or Death 2 Rally, Speaker Shari Dovale

Seattle, Liberty or Death 2 Rally, Speaker Shari Dovale

At the Liberty or Death 2 political rally held in Seattle on December 18, 2018, which was covered by, speaker Shari Dovale discussed numerous topics. Shari Dovale began her speak by comparing reality with the false accusations made by corporate mass media that the rally organizers were "White Supremacists", "Neo-Nazis", "Nazis", "Fascists" "Misogynists", and so on.

Seattle, Liberty or Death Rally, August 2018, Police Officers

Seattle, Liberty or Death Rally, August 2018, Police Officers

Here are some photographs of a few of the many police officers in action at the Liberty or Death political rally held in Seattle, WA on August 18, 2018. There were officers in attendance from multiple local police departments include the Seattle Police, the Redmond Police, and the King County Sheriff's office.