
A Beta Release of the New Studio 2.8 Website Has Finally Arrived

A Beta Release of the New Studio 2.8 Website Has Finally Arrived

It is the dawn of a new day, so to speak, for Studio 2.8 photography, and this website. After an intensive software development effort that began last year, but was unexpectedly interrupted, a beta release of the new Studio 2.8 website here are at www.studiotwopointeight.com, has finally arrived. Although the studiotwopointeight.com website has existed for many years, this rebuild and relaunch is a very welcome event. Although there is still much more work to complete, to refine many functional and visual details of the new Studio 2.8 website, the site's implementation has reached a stage that should make the site functional enough to use, and to spend time viewing the site's photo galleries. Many of the photographs from the Liberty or Death, and Liberty or Death 2, political rallies are already available in various galleries on the site now.

Meanwhile, there are many additional Studio 2.8 website features and functions yet to come, as additional site development is completed in the coming days, weeks, and months. Among the additional features yet to be fully realized will be multiple types of video galleries, in addition to the two types of photo galleries already implemented. Videos hosted by Studio 2.8 via youtube embedding will be the primary focus of the Studio 2.8 video galleries. In addition, the Studio 2.8 website's advanced content management software engine also makes it possible to integrate videos directly into other content, including journal articles and to display videos as supporting content within the descriptions that are part of the Studio 2.8 galleries of photographs. 

To best display portrait layout photographs and to display landscape layout photographs, each of the photograph layouts, landscape and portrait, has their own dedicated gallery type on the Studio 2.8 website. In addition, one of the features yet to be implemented, but which will be upcoming soon, its post information styling that matches between the landscape and portrait style galleries, as which is also visible on journal articles. There are social media links throughout the Studio 2.8 site. A future Studio 2.8 site update will also include enhanced social media links on the photograph galleries. The social media links on the galleries and journal articles will provide one click posting to social media sites, including both facebook and twitter. 

Most important among the upcoming Studio 2.8 site updates will be the build out of the galleries and their contents to include past photographic and video projects. Also, now that this new infrastructure has been implemented, it should be possible to upload and publish future photo shoots much more quickly. The workflow of photographs through Adobe Lightroom and onto to this new Studio 2.8 website will become much streamlined.

Thank you for visiting the new Studio 2.8 website here at www.studiotwopointeight.com.