Studio 2.8, December 7, 2019, Pearl Harbor Day, McGraw Square Seattle, Infowars Speech To Anarchists
In this Studio 2.8 photography photo, and accompanying video, produced on Saturday December 7, 2019, during a Pearl Harbor Day commemoration event at Seattle's McGraw Square, one of the political Republicans in attendance that day, spoke to some of the anarcho-communist counter-protesters, who were standing in the front of the Bank of America branch building adjacent to the square. The speaker in this Studio 2.8 photograph held a large amplified bullhorn in front of himself, aimed at the counter-protesters. As he spoke, directed to the mostly bandanna disguised anarcho-communist counter-protesters, captured by the Studio 2.8 video clip below, he said, "You guys protest yourselves. You hate yourselves. You project everything that you hate about America onto Trump, that he had nothing to do with.", as the counter-protesting anarchists can be heard in the background of the video's audio shouting back.
In the background of this Studio 2.8 photography photograph, various Seattle Police officers are visible, including Lieutenant John Brooks, and others.